Signature have many ways allow to execute command on your machine. So make sure you read the signature before you run it.
Page | Description |
Info | Information about the signature |
Variables & Payloads | Various way to generate input for a request |
Request builder Overview | Define various comoponent of the request that will send |
Examples Signatures | Real Signature from base repository |
Some information about the signature to index in the DB
# ID to index a signature
id: common-01-01
# Type of signature: list, fuzz (default is "list")
type: list
# detection once (default is false) indicate that skip multiples detection if request already vulnerable.
donce: false
# Some info about signature
name: PHP Debug bar
# those fields below are optional
# default is "Info"
risk: High
# default is "Tentative"
confidence: Certain
tech: general
os: general
Conditions: If present, do some logical stuff to decide request will be send or not.
Detection: Do some logical on based on detections script to determine request is vulnerable or not.
Conclusions: Do some task with result after request was send.
Request comoponent: Define various comoponent of the request that will be send to the target and detect if it vulnerable or not by analyze response.
id: sensitive-01-01
type: list
# default params or will be override by options `--params ''`
- ssrf:
# Original request to compare
method: GET
redirect: true
path: >-
# we can put list of it in a file and load it
- sensitive: /tmp/sensitive_path.txt
- method: GET
redirect: true
path: >-
- >-
StatusCode() == 200 && StringSearch("response", "Secret")
- >-
StatusCode() == 200 && !StringSearch("response", "Not Found") && Math.abs(ContentLength() - OriginContentLength() > 1000)
This is just a reference info used to describe where the signature come out.
# author of the CVE or peopel inspired you create this signature
- credit: @example
- link:
# author of this signature
- author: @example
- affected_version: 1.2 - 2