
This part will be executed first to generate for your signature list of input.

Default variables generated from input

Default variable E.g:
{{.Port}} 8080
{{.Path}} /a/b/c
{{.Extension}} .php
{{.bar}} take from --params 'bar=111'
{{.Resources}} Resources path ~/.jaeles/resources
{{.ThirdParty}} Third party path ~/.jaeles/thirdparty
{{.BaseSign}} Third party path ~/.jaeles/base-signatures

List of avaliable Variables function

API Variables Description Example
Base64EncodeByLines Like Base64Encode but split input as a new line first Base64EncodeByLines("samp\ndummy")
Base64Encode return base64 encoded string Base64Encode("a") will return string like this: YQo=
File return string as content of file and split it by new line File("/tmp/sensitvie_paths.txt")
InputCmd return string as output of os command InputCmd("echo 123")
RandomNumber return random number with length RandomNumber(4) will return string like this: 6523
RandomString return random string with length RandomString(6) will return string like this: zkdlsa
Range return random string with length Range(1,6) will return list of strings like this 1 to 5` |
URLEncodeByLines Like URLEncode but split input as a new line first URLEncodeByLines("samp le\ndummy")
URLEncode return url encoded string URLEncode("samp le") will return string like this: sample%20le