Examples Command
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🚀 Jaeles beta v0.16 by @j3ssiejjj 🚀
The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
jaeles scan|server|config [options]
jaeles scan|server|config|report -h -- Show usage message
jaeles scan -- Scan list of URLs based on selected signatures
jaeles server -- Start API server
jaeles config -- Configuration CLI
jaeles report -- Generate HTML report based on scanned output
Core Flags:
-c, --concurrency int Set the concurrency level (default 20)
-o, --output string Output folder name (default "out")
-s, --signs strings Signature selector (Multiple -s flags are accepted)
-x, --exclude strings Exclude Signature selector (Multiple -x flags are accepted)
-L, --level int Filter signatures by level (default 1)
-G, --passive Turn on passive detections (default: false)
-p, --params strings Custom params -p='foo=bar' (Multiple -p flags are accepted)
-H, --headers strings Custom headers (e.g: -H 'Referer: {{.BaseURL}}') (Multiple -H flags are accepted)
Mics Flags:
--proxy string Proxy for sending request
--timeout int HTTP timeout (default 20s)
--debug Debug
-v, --verbose Verbose
--no-db Disable Database
-S, --selectorFile string Signature selector from file
-J, --format-input Enable special input format (default is false)
-f, --found string Run host OS command when vulnerable found
-O, --summaryOutput string Summary output file (default is "jaeles-summary.txt")
--passiveOutput string Passive output folder (default is "passive-out")
--passiveSummary string Passive Summary file
--sp string Selector for passive detections (default "*")
--single string Forced running in single mode
--sverbose bool Store verbose info in summary file
-N --no-output bool Disable store output
--json bool Store output as JSON format
--chunk bool Enable chunk running against big input
-I, --inline string Inline Detections
-q, --quiet Enable Quiet Output
-Q, --quietFormat string Format for quiet output (default "{{.VulnURL}}")
-R, --report string HTML report file name
--title string HTML report title
--html string Enable generate HTML reports after the scan done
--hh string Full help message
--dr Shortcut for disable replicate request (avoid sending many timeout requests)
--fi Enable filtering mode (to use Diff() detection)
--lc Shortcut for '--proxy'
--at Enable Always True Detection for observe response
--ba Shortcut for take raw input as '{{.BaseURL}}'
Examples Commands:
jaeles scan -s <signature> -u <url>
jaeles scan -c 50 -s <signature> -U <list_urls> -L <level-of-signatures>
jaeles scan -c 50 -s <signature> -U <list_urls>
jaeles scan -c 50 -s <signature> -U <list_urls> -p ''
jaeles scan -c 50 -s <signature> -U <list_urls> -f 'noti_slack "{{.vulnInfo}}"'
jaeles scan -v -c 50 -s <signature> -U list_target.txt -o /tmp/output
jaeles scan -s <signature> -s <another-selector> -u
echo '{"BaseURL":""}' | jaeles scan -s sign.yaml -J
jaeles scan -G -s <signature> -s <another-selector> -x <exclude-selector> -u
cat list_target.txt | jaeles scan -c 100 -s <signature>
Others Commands:
jaeles server -s '/tmp/custom-signature/sensitive/.*' -L 2 --fi
jaeles server --host --port 5000 -s '/tmp/custom-signature/sensitive/.*' -L 2
jaeles config reload --signDir /tmp/standard-signatures/
jaeles config add -B /tmp/custom-active-signatures/
jaeles config update --repo
jaeles report -o /tmp/scanned/out
jaeles report -o /tmp/scanned/out --title 'Passive Report'
jaeles report -o /tmp/scanned/out --title 'Verbose Report' --sverbose
Start API Server
jaeles server [flags]
-h, --help help for server
--host string IP address to bind the server (default "")
-A, --no-auth Turn off authenticated on API server
--port string Port (default "5000")
Burp Integration